FuST Lab
FuST Office
W1-1 #2419 KAIST 291, Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, 34141.
T. +82-42-350-3365 / F. +82-42-350-3310.

Memristor is memory resistor that retain internal resistance state according to the history of applied voltage and current. It is 4th passive circuit element with resistor, capacitor, and inductor. It offer fast, non-volatile, low-energy electrical switching. Using these memristor properties, there are a lot of applications; emerging memory and computing device.
The focus of our FuST Lab is on the development of new semiconductor materials, processes, and devices for memristor. First, We are studying memristor mechanism, such as memristive physics, electrical conduction, and diffusion dynamics. And we are developing new materials applying advanced thin film deposition technique such as ALD and PVD process. Finally, we are developing emerging semiconductor devices;
Emerging memory, Logic-In-Memory device, and neuromorphic device.

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